
How do I use my book ?

The verb ‘to be’ (am, is and are) Present simple

I explore

I remember

The present simple tense : Affirmative

I explore

I remember

The third-person singular ‘-s’

I explore

I remember

The present simple tense : Negative

I explore

I remember

The present simple tense : Interrogative

I explore

I remember

The present continuous tense : Affirmative

I explore

I remember

The present continuous tense : Negative

I explore

I remember

The present continuous tense : Interrogative

I explore

I remember

The ‘-ing form’ spelling

I explore

I remember

The verb ‘to be’ (was and were) Past simple

I explore

I remember

The past simple : Regular and Irregular verbs

I explore

I remember

The past continuous tense

I explore

I remember

The present perfect simple

I explore

I remember

I explore

I remember

I explore

I remember

The present perfect continuous tense

I explore

I remember

The past perfect simple tense

I explore

I remember

The past perfect continuous tense

I explore

I remember

The future simple tense

I explore

I remember

Be going to, Present Simple, Present continuous for future

I explore

I remember

The future continuous

I explore

I remember

The future perfect simple and continuous

I explore

I remember

I explore

I remember


I explore

I remember

I explore

I remember

Used to

I explore

I remember

Reported speech : Affirmative statements

I explore

I remember